Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Let's Get Connected: Using Twitter to Find a Job

It’s no secret that social media sites are changing the face of communication as we know it. Gone are the days of snail mail, corded phones, and pagers. We are in the midst of a digital age where relaying a message takes only seconds. One of the most prominent sites used today is Twitter, home of the 140 character “tweet,” that can make or break your online reputation. Twitter has become such a powerful medium, as it is a way to connect with millions of people that you might not otherwise have access to, so why not use it to score your dream position? There are two essential things to remember when trying to land a job using this tool.

The first thing to keep in mind when using Twitter professionally is to do just that. As a college student, it is easy to share details about the party you went to last night, or the fact that your professor gave you a C on your test because he totally hates you and is “oMg sO mEaN” but these tidbits of information are not the type of thing you would want a potential employer to associate with your name. Instead, make yourself appear professional, relevant and credible by posting information regarding current events and topics related to your field. Make sure you are branding yourself as an expert in the Ad/PR field as well as an interesting and creative person. Be an active Twitter user. Employers do not want to hire someone who is boring and you can show them you’re not by actively contributing to the Twitter community.

Another key factor in finding a job online is making sure you have the right connections. With millions of users on Twitter and a good bunch of those being companies and employers, it is perfectly acceptable to search and follow businesses that you might be interested in working for. This gives you a great way to research what they are about and keep up to date with what is happening so you can tweet relevant information and possibly be noticed. In Erica Swallow’s Mashable.com article “6 Ways to Score a Job Through Twitter,” she states that it is very beneficial to make connections not only with employers but also current employees of businesses you might hope to work for. Some of these employees could be recruiters who search the web for potential hires so staying connected to them through Twitter and tweeting information relevant to the field and the company specifically could make you a top pick for any positions that might open up.

Twitter has the potential to connect you with jobs like no other platform has been able to do before. Not only is it simple to use, but it is also a direct connection to possible employers and other experts in the field. If you use it in a professional manner and take the initiative to make the right connections, you will definitely find a position that interests you and eventually be able to secure that position. Be relevant, be interesting and be yourself. You hold the power in your tweets.

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